Search results for: node/poverty
Improving the Earned Income Tax Credit for Black Workers Without Children
…more than 1 million childless Black adults aged 19-65 into poverty or deeper into poverty.7 Childless workers are often left behind in poverty reduction programs. When federal policymakers extended the…
Stimulus Will Cut Black Child Poverty, Confirmation of Marcia Fudge: March 9 Joint Center Roundup
…poverty and lift them out of poverty.” Democrats’ analysis of the proposal finds that the temporary $3,600 increase to the child tax credit will cut “child poverty among Black families…
Stanford Report on Poverty and Inequality
…is at its highest since 2000. Mirroring that trend, poverty rates have increased from 12.5% in 2007 to 15% in 2012. Poverty rates among children have risen from 18% to…
Tackling Poverty through Promise Zones Initiatives
…purpose of this initiative is to strategically revitalize high-poverty communities, many of which are comprised of minorities particularly in urban areas. Also, local leaders of the areas to be revitalized…
A Lost Decade: Neighborhood Poverty and the Urban Crisis of the 2000s
…share of Black, Hispanic, and white families living in high-poverty neighborhoods today than in 1970, Black and Hispanic families are increasingly more likely than whites to live in high-poverty neighborhoods….
A Lost Decade: Neighborhood Poverty and the Urban Crisis of the 2000s
…Hispanic, and white families living in high-poverty neighborhoods today than in 1970, black and Hispanic families are increasingly more likely than whites to live in high-poverty neighborhoods. Learn more here….
Charting a Path to Increased Federal Accountability Through WIOA Reauthorization
…Education and The Workforce, 2024). 3 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Pub. L. No. 113-128 (2014). 4 5 6 Economic Mobility Memo 1: Definitions and Trends (Institute for…
Health Disparities, Neighborhood Poverty, and Racial Composition
…effect of segregation, including neighborhood racial composition and concentration of poverty, on health. This presentation was originally given at the 2011 PLACE MATTERS National Conference. View the slides below.…
Students of color less likely to have effective teachers
…the low-poverty schools. Similar trends were observed in Massachusetts. Students in high-poverty schools were 3x more likely to be taught by teachers rated as “unsatisfactory.” High-poverty community students were less…
Health Disparities,Neighborhood Poverty, and Racial Composition
…racial composition and concentration of poverty, on health. This presentation was originally given at the 2011 PLACE MATTERS National Conference. The slides can be viewed and downloaded below. …