Articles by Dr. Alex Camardelle
Five Charts To Understand Black Registered Apprentices in the United States
Registered apprenticeships, administered by the U.S. Department of Labor, are paid training programs that aim to connect workers to well-paying jobs. Some of the most common industries associated with…
The State of Black Students at Community Colleges
This research brief, “The State of Black Students at Community Colleges,” examines administrative data to describe the characteristics and select educational and economic outcomes for Black students who attended…
Five Charts Illustrating the Need for Policies that Prioritize the Experiences of Black Workers
This Labor Day, let us remember that Black workers must be at the center of efforts to develop an inclusive, worker-powered economy. To help us get there, here are five…
Improving Training Evaluation Data to Brighten the Future of Black Workers
This report explores the current state of evaluation in workforce development programs with an eye toward improving outcomes for Black training participants. The report is important because increasing the…
Principles to Support Black Workers in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
This is an opportune moment to advance equity as Congress is set to reauthorize WIOA and vote on new workforce investments proposed in President Biden’s Build Back Better plan. The…
Biden Budget Would Make Key Workforce Investments For Black Communities
On May 28, 2021, President Biden proposed a $6 trillion budget that explicitly names racial equity as a priority. The president’s fiscal year 2022 budget proposal not only specifies structural…