
Two Years After Ferguson – How We’re Moving Forward

On August 9, 2014, Michael Brown was shot and killed by Officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri. Brown’s death sparked weeks of protests and ignited a conversation about race, gun violence, and police reform that is still being discussed today.

Last Wednesday & Thursday, the Joint Center, along with the Joyce Foundation, and Bader Philanthropies convened Milwaukee community members for extensive sessions on policing, gun violence, and race. We reviewed recommendations devised by communities in our Joint Center report, and broke into working groups to devise strategies and timelines to implement recommendations. This convening is part of a larger project in which the Joint Center went to Milwaukee, Stockton, and Richmond in 2015 and listened to communities about challenges regarding race, gun violence, policing, and mass incarceration. From these discussions we came up with four key recommendations: access, policing, social services, and collaboration. Read our full report here.