Black Talent Initiative

The Washington Post Covers the Joint Center’s White House Black Commissioned Officers Report
The Joint Center’s recent report, “Black Representation Among Commissioned Officers in the Biden White House,” was featured in The Washington Post. This report outlines the representation of Black Americans among commissioned officers in the Biden White House and offers recommendations for a more diverse base of top-level federal employees.
The article also quoted Joint Center President Spencer Overton. “Black folks can’t just be the pawns here. They’ve got to be the knights and the rooks here as well. They’ve got to be a part of the policymaking apparatus,” Overton said. “This can’t be a scenario of, ‘Hey we’ve included some Black folks and we’re doing better than previous administrations.’ Our goal here is that Black folks are in the room and are really integrated in decision-making processes.”
This study was also featured in The Hill, Politico, Yahoo! News, MSN, and more.
Read the report here.