Hill Diversity

SBLSC Celebrates 40th Anniversary of Staff Diversity
By: Joint Center intern Averi Drummer
The Senate Black Legislative Staff Caucus (SBLSC) celebrated its 40th anniversary at the Russell Kennedy Caucus room on November 29, 2017. All three African American U.S. Senators (Sens. Kamala Harris, Cory Booker and Tim Scott) were in attendance, along with Urban League Executive Don Cravins, Jr.Sen. Harris praised the leadership and diversity efforts of the organizations that have made the country stronger and more unified. She also applauded the dedication and brilliance of the SBLSC president. Sen. Scott emphasized the importance of seeking out racially diverse mentees and mentors. Sen. Cory Booker said that “we are full of impact” and that the young adults were made to bring change that will last for decades after their lifetimes. He also said they should be proud of their uniqueness and use their abilities to help change the world. Senior Vice President for Policy and Executive Director of the Washington Bureau for the National Urban League, Donald Cravins, Jr., also stated the importance of everyone being proud of their individuality.
The evening was one of inspiration and celebration. The inspirational African American leaders encouraged the youth and celebrated how far Capitol Hill has come with its diversity and how much further it will go in the future.