Retirement Confidence in the Education Sector: Comparisons by Race
During the economic doldrums that have followed The Great Recession, employees in the education sector (administrators, staff, and teachers or faculty at both the K-12 level and the post-secondary level) are confident about both their retirement savings behavior and their likely retirement outcomes. African American and white American employees in the education sector are more optimistic about their retirement planning and prospects than are U.S. workers overall. Further examination of the high degree of retirement confidence among employees in the education sector, however, yields conflicting insights. This report, produced jointly by TIAA-CREF and the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, examines the retirement goals, fears, and confidence of African American and white workers in the education sector.
Retirement Confidence in the Education Sector Comparison by Race.pdf
Joint Center Tracker Update of Racial Diversity of Top Staff Hires in 119th Congress