Health Policy
Research Brief: Three-City Survey of African Americans on EPA Regulations, Climate Change, and Health
This three-city survey builds on earlier Joint Center national surveys that looked at the views of African Americans on climate change, health, and conservation behaviors. In the national surveys, clear majorities said they believed climate change and global warming were major problems, and they believed that global warming will have significant adverse effects on public health, economic instability, fires, and droughts, and that these problems will be worse for future generations. In this study, the Joint Center focused on African Americans living in three cities (Atlanta, Cleveland, and Philadelphia) with large Black populations and a variety of air quality issues. The survey questions probed respondents about the air quality where they lived, the sources of pollution, and their views of EPA regulations that reduce health risks and costs. The questions about EPA regulations were clearly framed to present both costs and benefits to the American public.
Download the companion white paper: Health and Economic Benefits of Clean Air Regulations