Hill Diversity
Joint Center Signs Letter Calling on the Senate to Be More Transparent, Representative, Efficient, and Effective
The Joint Center signed on to a letter to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Senate Committee on Rules & Administration Chairwoman Amy Klobuchar, and Senate Committee on Rules & Administration Ranking Member Roy Blunt calling for the Senate to commit resources and administrative power toward an effort to improve the function of the Senate.
Specifically, the letter asks the Senate to create a healthy congressional culture, continue to bring the technological infrastructure of the Senate up to date and ensuring that both senators and staff have the training necessary to fully utilize these resources, foster diversity in the staff recruitment process and create an inclusive work environment by instituting internal diversity, equity, and inclusion practices, and establish and prioritize a body dedicated to making the Senate more transparent, representative, efficient, and effective.
Other signees for the letter, which was organized by Issue One and the Bipartisan Policy Center, include Advocacy Blueprints, College to Congress, Congressional Management Foundation, Demand Progress, Democracy Fund Voice, Kevin M. Esterling, University of California, Riverside*, Kevin R. Kosar, American Enterprise Institute*, Lincoln Network
Lorelei Kelly, Beeck Center for Social Impact + Innovation at Georgetown*, Marci Harris, POPVOX Inc.*, R Street Institute, Rick Shapiro, Strategic Assets Consulting*, and Unite America. (* Affiliations listed for identification purposes only. )
The letter can be found here.
Joint Center Tracker Second Update of Racial Diversity of Top Staff Hires in 119th Congress