Joint Center News: March 2019
This is the second edition of our new approach to staying in touch with you! Each month, we’ll have three separate newsletters—one on each of the following topics: 1) economic studies / future of work; 2) political studies / Hill diversity; and 3) a catch-all we’re calling “Joint Center Roundup.” Check out our economic news / future of work highlights below.
Economic Studies: Future of Work
Joint Center Economic Policy Director Jessica Fulton joined panels on jobs and economy in relation to autonomous vehicles (here) and another on undergraduate opportunities for hopeful economists (here).
The Joint Center’s monthly discussion on Black jobs was hosted by Workforce Policy Director Harin Contractor, and featured NC Budget & Tax Center Policy Analyst Brian Kennedy, and Dēmos Economist Algernon Austin. Follow the discussion here.
Stop marginalizing African Americans in public higher education.Spencer wrote this op-edfor the National Newspaper Publishers Association (the Black publisher’s association), and the piece was published in several Black newspapers across the U.S.
Calling on the U.S. House and U.S. Senate to embed civil rights principles in online privacy debate, hearings, and legislation, the Joint Center and several civil rights organizations sent a letter to the Chairs and Ranking Members of the Senate Commerce, Science & Transportation Committee, the House Energy and Commerce Committee, and both the Senate and House Judiciary Committees. Read the letter here.
Political Studies: Congressional Staff Diversity
The Joint Center continues to track all new hires by new Members and top staff of color hired by returning Members. Stay up-to-date on congressional staff hires here.
The New York Times interviewed Joint Center President Spencer Overton on our work in Hill diversity. Read it here.
ABC News mentioned the Joint Center’s work in a story on paid internships and diversity on the Hill. Read it here.
Joint Center Spotlight
People’s Guide to AI: With an eye toward issues of particular importance to Black communities, Joint Center President Spencer Overton shared his thoughts on the short book People’s Guide to AI here.
House E&C Hearing on Tech Inclusion: Brookings Research Fellow Dr. Nicol Turner-Lee, Former Manager at Facebook and Twitter Mark Luckie, Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC’s Vice President of Policy and Programs Jiny Kim, Outten and Golden Counsel and Rutgers Law School Co-Dean David Lopez, Disability:IN President and CEO Jill Houghton, University of Maine President Dr. Joan Ferrini-Mundy, and Military Talent Partners CEO Natalie Oliverio testified at the House E&C hearing on “Inclusion in Tech: How Diversity Benefits All.” Read their remarks here.
Think Tank Roundup
On his weekly podcast, WashingTECH Host Joe Miller talked to University of Washington School of Law Gregoire Fellow Jevan Hutson on online dating’s effect on socioeconomic outcomes, former Federal Communications Commissioner Tom Wheeler on his book “From Gutenberg to Google: The History of Our Future,” and Public Knowledge’s Communications Justice Fellow Alisa Valentin on social justice. The podcast is available on iTunes, Spotify, and on WashingTECH’s website. New episodes every Tuesday. Listen here.
Daniella Gibbs of Center for American Progress hosted podcasts on the “cozy relationship between Fox News and the Trump White House,” the role of police officers, and what is means to be a “progressive prosecutor.” Find each episode here.
Brian Kennedy II and Marion Teniade’s latest episode of At The Intersection discusses reparations. Listen here.
Now Hiring
The Joint Center is looking for an Economic Policy Analyst, Events Manager, and a Senior Fellow for Diversity & Inclusion. Details here.
In Case You Missed It
“We can’t pretend that the technology companies are set up to work in the public interest,” said Ford Foundation President Darren Walker in this piece about the emerging public interest technology movement. Read it here.
The Hill quoted our 2015 study,“50 Years of the Voting Rights Act: The State of Race in Politics,” in an article about how the historical Freedom Summer could help returning citizens in Florida. Read it here.
January 2025 Jobs Day Analysis