Articles by Dr. Dominique Harrison
Affordability & Availability: Expanding Broadband in the Black Rural South
The 36-page report, Affordability & Availability: Expanding Broadband in the Black Rural South, details the potential for broadband to increase economic, educational, and health care opportunities in the Black Rural…
Big Tech CEOs Must Do More than Admit Misinformation is Harmful to Communities of Color
As Congress reckons with misinformation plaguing online platforms, Black communities continue to face discrimination, anti-Blackness, and material harm facilitated by agitators on social media platforms. We know that tech can…
Joint Center and 24 Tech Policy and Civil Rights Groups Call on the FTC to Quickly Confirm Commissioners Who Will Advance Equity and Racial Justice
The Joint Center joined a coalition of 24 tech policy and civil rights groups calling on the Federal Trade Commission to quickly nominate and confirm commissioners who will advance equity…