Engaging Legislative Champions for IDA Authorization in Mississippi- March 2014
This presentation by Dr. Wilhelmina Leigh and Melissa Wells, originally shown at a meeting of Coalition for a Prosperous Mississippi partners, offers advice for engaging state leaders in discussion and…
Engaging Legislative Champions for IDA Authorization in Mississippi- October 2013
This presentation by Dr. Wilhelmina Leigh and Melissa Wells, originally shown at a meeting of Coalition for a Prosperous Mississippi partners, offers advice for engaging state leaders in discussion and…
Creating Public Awareness Campaigns that Work
The Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies and the Center on Race and Wealth at Howard University hosted a discussion about the secrets to designing and implementing public awareness…
Engaging Legislative Champions in Florida
This presentation, given at RAISE Florida Network’s 2013 First Quarter Annual Meeting discusses strategies for identifying and engaging legislators to promote an asset-building agenda. Engaging Legislative Champions in Florida presentation…
Preparing for Legislative Visits
This presentation, given at the RAISE Florida Network 2013 First Quarter Regional Meeting, gives information on organizing meetings and talking points for successful asset-building discussions with state legislators. The Legislative…
Developing a State Legislative Strategy for Asset Building: The Case of Florida
A key step in achieving asset-building goals is developing a solid legislative strategy. The Joint Center has collaborated with the RAISE Florida Network to develop a legislative strategy to help…
Blacks and the 2012 Elections: A Preliminary Analysis
This is a brief review of some of the available evidence on what happened on November 6, 2012. In particular, this review will focus on the re-election of President Barack…
Blacks and the 2012 Democratic National Convention
While the 2008 Democratic National Convention represented a historic occasion for African Americans and black politics when, for the first time, an African American was the Democratic Party’s nominee for…
Blacks and the 2012 Republican National Convention
The 2008 presidential election was a historic occasion for African Americans because an African American was elected president for the first time. This year, President Obama is seeking a second…
Blacks and the 2010 Midterms: A Preliminary Analysis
This publication is a brief review of some of the available evidence on what transpired on November 2, 2010, when the Democrats lost their majority in the U.S. House of…