Health Policy

The ‘Secret’ Epidemic: Disparities in Hepatitis C Incidence, Treatment, and Outcomes
October 7, 2010
On May 3, 2010, the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies convened the Disparities in Hepatitis C Incidence, Treatment, and Outcomes Roundtable Discussion in Chicago, IL, with the goal of setting a national agenda to address the disproportionate impact of hepatitis C in communities of color. Held at the beginning of Hepatitis Awareness Month, this meeting was inspired by the need to raise awareness regarding the challenges of directing emerging resources and new treatment modalities to these communities in light of the high infection rates and harrowing consequences of chronic hepatitis C infection. Speakers from areas of academia, clinical medicine, health policy, and government presented their perspectives, research, potential strategies, and solutions for addressing current and emerging issues in hepatitis C in the United States.
This report summarizes the most salient points from the roundtable discussion.