Hill Diversity
The Hill Covers Survey Results on Racial Equity Priorities
The Hill covered the second analysis, “Building a More Inclusive Agenda: A Survey of Congressional Priorities Across Race — Racial Equities Priorities,” in its series that tracks what Americans across race and ethnicity say Congress should prioritize.
From the article, Dr. Lashonda Brenson told The Hill: “Racially conscious leadership and policymaking is crucial to maintaining American democracy; it enables leaders to provide different policy perspectives to comprehend the priorities of diverse communities. With Americans continued prioritization of racial equity in hiring, legislation, and voting rights, especially in light of the Supreme Court ruling on affirmative action, legislators must reflect the needs of their constituents.”
Kimberly Victor also told The Hill: “Through the survey results, Congress can see direct data points of what the American public wants and expects from them to accurately prioritize their racial equity concerns. The results are a call to action to ensure Congress prioritizes diverse hiring, promotes nondiscriminatory legislation, and ensures every American utilizes their right to vote.”
Click here to read the article.