Hill Diversity

Newly-Hired Top Staff of Color by Returning Members
The charts below include data on top staff of color (chiefs of staff, legislative directors, communications directors, and full committee staff directors) hired by returning Members of the U.S. House and U.S. Senate (those who served in the 115th Congress and will serve in the 116th Congress) since November 2018.
To see racial diversity data on top staff of newly-elected Members, click here.
The data on this site were last updated on 3/22/19, and are based on information submitted to the Joint Center from various credible sources. The data is unofficial, however, as it has not been examined using the Joint Center’s research report methodology that identifies top staff on LegiStorm and confirms the data through several follow up contacts with the top staff in the position, a Member’s office, and staff associations of color.
To provide corrections to the data below send an email with “CORRECTION” in the subject matter line to don@jointcenter.org.
To provide information about new hires who should be listed below, please click here.
* (after Race): The returning Member’s office has provided information that the staffer has been hired.
M/F = Male/Female
AAPI = Asian American/Pacific Islander