Focus Policy Blog
New report show poor outcomes for African-American children
June 4, 2014
A new report released by the Annie E. Casey Foundation has shed light on various outcomes for children in the United States. Some of the outcomes measured include: babies born at normal birth-weight, fourth graders who scored at or above proficient in reading, children who live in two-parent families, children who live in low-poverty areas (poverty <20%), and high school students graduating on time. The report showed a disparity in many of these outcomes in African American children compared to children of other races.
Some key findings include:
- African-American babies were least likely to be born at a healthy birth-weight, which puts them at risk for developmental delays and death within the first year of life.
- African-American children are less likely to live in two-parent families.
- African-American children are the least likely group to live in neighborhoods that had low poverty rates.
Recommendations from report:
- Gather and analyze racial and ethnic data to inform all phases of programs, policies, and decision making
- Use data and impact assessment tools to target investments to yield the greatest impact for children of color
- Develop and implement evidence-based programs and practices focused on improving outcomes for children of color.
Adedotun Ogunbajo, Joint Center Graduate Scholar, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health
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