Workforce Policy
June 2024 Jobs Day Analysis
The Joint Center analyzes the employment numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and showcases how the numbers impact Black workers. Our June Jobs Day analysis is below.
From May to June the unemployment rate for Black workers increased from 6.1 percent to 6.3 percent, while the unemployment rate slightly increased from 4.0 percent to 4.1 percent.
The unemployment rate for young Black workers decreased from 15.6 percent in May to 15.4 percent in June while the rate for all young workers also fell to 8.9 percent.
As #BlackWomensEqualPayDay approaches, we're paying close attention to how the labor market is affecting Black women. Over the last six months, the unemployment rate for Black women has increased from 4.9 percent in January to 6.1 percent in June.
36.1 percent of Black households reported having either a somewhat or very difficult time paying for basic household expenses in Census Pulse Survey data collected from late April to late May.
Black renters are experiencing economic instability, as 7.9 percent reported being behind on rent, in comparison to 3.7 percent of renters nationwide.
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March 2024 Jobs Day Analysis