Hill Diversity

Joint Center’s House Top Staff Diversity Research Mentioned in Politico
June 5, 2023
The Joint Center’s 2022 report, Racial Diversity Among Top Staff in the U.S. House of Representatives, was mentioned in a Politico newsletter on the House Office of Diversity and Inclusion reportedly releasing a pair of surveys examining staffer pay and diveristy soon. Senate Democrats will also release their annual survey, which the Joint Center
From the blurb: “Just 18% of top House non-custodial employees are people of color, an October 2022 study from the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies found. In offices of white Democratic lawmakers, 14.8% of top staff are racial minorities. Republicans have a longer way to go — just 5.1% of top GOP staffers are people of color.”
Read the entire Politico newsletter here.