Economic Policy


Joint Center Quoted in CNBC on the State of Black Employment in the United States

Joint Center Interim President and Vice President, Policy Jessica Fulton was quoted in CNBC on the state of Black employment in the United States.

“This recovery really stretched the limits of what policymakers thought was possible for Black workers,” said Fulton in the article. “We were in a situation where folks accepted that Black unemployment was going to always be high and there was nothing that they could do about it. So I think this is an opportunity to continue to push the limits of what’s possible.”

Fulton also said: “High unemployment for Black workers is a solvable problem […] There are challenges we need to address. We need to figure out how to address discrimination, we need to figure out how do we address unequal access to high-quality workforce development. We need to figure out how to address labor loopholes.”

Read the full article here.