Health is a Human Right: Race and Place in America–CDC Exhibit Ends Tomorrow!
Tomorrow is the last day to visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention‘s (CDC) Health is a Human Right: Race and Place in America exhibit. “This exhibition examines some historic challenges of the past 120 years in achieving health equity for all in the U.S. We know that “race and place” are as important as personal choices in achieving our full potential. People with low incomes, minorities, and other socially disadvantaged populations face significant inequities in opportunity for optimal health. This can lead to inequities in health, along the lines of race, ethnicity, and place.”
Atlanta, GA 30329
Museum Hours
Thursday: 9am-7pm ET
For more information on the exhibition, please click here. To learn more on social determinants of health and why #PLACEMATTERS, please visit the Joint Center’s Health Policy Institute.
Morgan McLeod is the Program Assistant and New Media Strategist at the Joint Center