Joint Center at NUL’s 2020 Census Black Roundtable

On April 17, Joint Center President Spencer joined the National Urban League (NUL)’s roundtable on the 2020 Census where he discussed issues of importance to the Black community that could be impacted by the 2020 Census. Other participants present were leading thinkers and organizers in the Black community, including immigrant populations, faith-based leaders, Black youth organizers, civil and voting rights advocates, Black sororities and fraternal organizations, representatives of the Black media, academicians, and service providers.

Counting inaccuracies could be devastating for communities of color as African Americans, both in urban and rural areas, risk losing the most in terms of federal funding, political representation, and equal rights under the law. The roundtable focused on solutions to some of these challenges brought about by an inaccurate census count, such as budget misallocations or uninformed policy directives.